Empowering Your Security Clearance Journey with a Fresh FBI Report – “RAP SHEET”

Obtaining and maintaining a security clearance can seem like an intimidating process. However,  requesting an updated FBI criminal record report, known colloquially as a “Rap Sheet” is a proactive step  individuals can take to participate fully in navigating their candidacy. This in-depth article provides a  comprehensive guide on accessing one’s FBI Identity History Summary and leveraging the information  strategically throughout the clearance process. 

Thorough background investigations are standard for national security roles requiring access to  classified or sensitive information. Addressing any past legal issues upfront demonstrates transparency  and integrity – qualities that foster the trustworthiness adjudicators seek to establish. With diligent  preparation, past mistakes need not define one’s future eligibility when character reform is evident. 

Let’s explore how to empower ownership of your security clearance journey from the beginning. The Rigor of Clearance Investigations 

Background investigations conducted for security clearances are meticulous initiatives designed to  analyze an individual’s character, work, and attributes throughout their lifetime. Vetting ensures those  entrusted with national security secrets have unwavering loyalty, honesty, and judgment. 

Investigators have immense resources, including vast interlinked repositories of public and non-public  records. Fingerprints are run through the FBI’s NGI database which combines III and other biometric  data on criminals and persons of interest. Financial, employment, and residence histories are  exhaustively verified through interviews, records searches, and open-source due diligence going back  decades. International travel and foreign contacts also face intensive scrutiny. 

The process casts a vast net, leaving no facet of one’s personal or professional path untouched. Even  minor infractions or errors from long ago risk resurfacing, so proactive disclosure strengthens one’s  case. These intensive checks illustrate why addressing weaknesses openly fosters integrity essential to  such positions of extreme trust and public accountability. 

The Value of an FBI Rap Sheet 

To gain insight into one’s criminal history as housed within the FBI’s fingerprint records, individuals may  request an Identity History Summary – better known by the informal moniker “Rap Sheet.” This report  compiles all associated biometric and biographical data across federal, state, and regional law  enforcement inputs into the Next Generation Identification system. 

While not perfect due to local agency cooperation and data sharing limitations, the Rap Sheet is a  centralized criminal history snapshot from America’s leading law enforcement database. Equipped with  these findings well before an investigator comes knocking, one retains control of their narrative and  avoids surprises.

Additionally, local court record requests are prudent given the FBI database depends on complete and  accurate submissions from contributing agencies. County and municipal authorities likely maintain  disposition details independent of the FBI. Comprehensively addressing all aspects bolsters  transparency. 

The FBI Rap Sheet: Options for FBI Criminal History Records 

The FBI Identity History Summary program, better known by its slang term “Rap Sheet,” provides  individuals the chance to obtain their criminal history records maintained in the bureau’s master  fingerprint database – the Next Generation Identification (NGI) Interstate Identification Index (III). 

There are two primary submission methods: online digital requests or traditional paper service by mail. • Online Ordering 

The FBI website has a streamlined online identity history summary check portal accessible here:  https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks 

The submission process entails: 

1. Completing Name/Date of Birth details and consent form digitally 

2. Uploading legible photos of valid ID like driver’s license front/back 

3. Paying the $18 fee via credit card (current delivery 1-2 weeks electronically) The criminal history record will be emailed securely as a PDF attachment upon approval. • Mail-In Requests 

For those lacking online access or preferring complex copy delivery, standard FBI Form FD-258  fingerprint cards can be ordered, completed, and mailed in along with payment. 

To initiate this process: 

1. Download and print Form FD-258 from the FBI website 

2. Visit a local police station or civilian fingerprint service for inked prints 

3. Complete identifying info on FD-258 and include an $18 check/money order 4. Mail packet to FBI CJIS Division for processing (4–6-week turnaround) 

Both FBI checks reflect what other agencies have transmitted to their centralized records. Direct  requests are prudent to all former jurisdictions of residence as well. Now, let’s explore optimally using  the results received.

Analyzing Rap Sheet Findings 

Upon receiving the Identity History Summary, thoroughly analyze each entry with an investigative eye  toward contextual understanding and documentation needs. 

Review Entry Details 

Carefully examine dates, charges, locations, and disposition descriptors, noting incomplete or  ambiguous information requiring supplementation. Look for patterns over time reflecting  potential reform. Cross-reference personal recollections. 

Create an Analytical Chart 

Compile entries sequentially in a spreadsheet or document, capturing all available information  in a research-friendly format. Note questions, discrepancies, and documentation targets to  address each listing forensically. Consult an attorney if complex. 

Obtain Court Records 

Contact all jurisdictions where entries originated to request official documentation verifying  case resolutions like sentencing details or expungements showing truth over time. Prove  familiarity with your history. 

Address Minor Errors 

Note potential mistakes by reporting agencies that misrepresent severity over decades. Prepare  supporting explanations and archival evidence as needed. 

With a deep understanding of your full background per available records, formulating the next steps  becomes clearer. But thorough preparation requires time – start the process early. 

Strategically Addressing Findings 

The next crucial phase involves proactively addressing concerns once analysis illuminates all relevant  past issues according to available records. Several options strengthen transparency: 

Draft a Personal Statement 

Craft a sincere narrative fully owning mistakes while clearly outlining growth, lessons learned,  and ongoing commitment to character, ethics, and responsibility. Emphasize stability. • Compile Character References 

Approach references, especially from employers, can speak to virtues like trustworthiness  demonstrated since any issues. Ensure forms address the timeframe and capacity to safeguard  classified materials. 

Consult an Attorney 

For complicated situations, schedule consultations with a clearance-focused attorney to  strategize and ensure supplemental documentation and statements mitigate rather than  aggravate concerns appropriately.

Considerations for Interview Preparation 

As one diligently addresses FBI Rap Sheet entries, keep the investigative interview as a target endpoint  in sight. Proper preparation bolsters confidence and effectiveness: 

• Anticipate challenging questions and craft humble, accountable, yet nuanced responses • Practice delivery to avoid appearing rehearsed while remaining calm under potential pressure • Discuss growth and reform, not excuses, deflections, or accusations about circumstances • Reference documentation and endorse positive opinions from employer letters of support • Express unwavering commitment to integrity and reformed character going forward • Welcome inquiries to verify statements through additional references if uncertainty exists • Close by reiterating lessons learned and the ongoing rehabilitation journey in an uplifting  manner 

With guidance from counsel, if a complex legal history exists, use information as an opportunity rather  than an impediment to showcase transformation when trust is most crucial to evaluate. Ownership  fosters renewed faith. 


By requesting an up-to-date FBI Rap Sheet, individuals empower proactive participation in their security  clearance candidacy from the very start. With diligence, even considerable past issues can be addressed  strategically through complete transparency, verified documentation, and testimony from others. 

When mistakes are openly and accountably discussed rather than passive-aggressively hoped to avoid  discovery later, applicants demonstrate the integrity, character, and trustworthiness so valued within  national security spheres. With guidance and effort, past faults need not obstruct future service to a  country where trust is paramount when entrusted with its most sensitive secrets. Own your candidacy – your future opportunities are within your control to shape for the better.